Noemi Grace

About Noemi Grace

“Use me for the Healing of the World.”

Noemi Grace
September 11, 2001
Cambridge, MA

On September 11, 2001, I was stuck in a train station near Boston when terrorists hijacked planes which originated in Boston. As I waited for the train for what seemed like hours, I saw fear on people’s faces and felt it in my heart.
Quietly at first, and growing louder and more persistent over several hours, I met their fear and mine with the prayer, “Use me for the healing of the world.”
I never knew what motivated this prayer. But at the time, I meant every word.             I was willing to be of service for healing, in any way possible.
Looking back, I see how this prayer has been answered every day through my work as a psychotherapist and soul healer. Then a few years ago, I unexpectedly began to have an ongoing dialogue with God – something I never thought I could do.
After receiving hundreds of messages from God about Divine love, wisdom, and grace, I realize that my prayer is now being answered in a way I never could ever have envisioned. I offered to be of service and God stepped in and blessed me with life-changing messages.
Now God has asked me to share them with all who are willing to receive them.
I never could have imagined being in this position of receiving so many Divine gifts.
It all started on March 3, 2012 with an amazing message during my workout that reverberated through the room:

Love is the fabric of freedom.

Forgiveness paves the way to freedom.

You will know when you are free

when there is nothing left to forgive

because you see through the eyes of love.

What marvelous words! I had no doubt my mind was incapable of inventing these words. How could someone like me who secretly harbored judgment and guilt create these words? I knew that I couldn’t. And yet I heard them as clear as any words I’ve ever heard.
Over the years, I often pondered that message and tried to understand its meaning.
Then in 2015, messages from God filled with Divine love, grace, and forgiveness began to come to me during daily meditation.
Through hearing and recording these messages, I learned:

God speaks to all of us. To hear God, we must learn to listen.

God loves us unconditionally and wants us to love ourselves       with Divine unconditional love.

At our core we are love, as God is.

We are all unique and special to God.

God does not judge us and wants us to stop judging ourselves and others.

God respects free will but showers us with Divine grace, especially if we ask for help.

I have fallen in love with myself. This was no small task, as most of my life I judged myself harshly. 

My heart is full and it is my deep desire to share these loving words with you to offer you the same opportunity I had.

It is my prayer that you be as blessed by these words as I have been.In gratitude,
Noemi Grace

About the Divine Messages

Love is the fabric of freedom.
Forgiveness paves the way to freedom.
You will know when you are free
when there is nothing left to forgive
because you see through the eyes of love.

The Voice of the Oneness of God
March 3, 2012

Excerpts from my book An Intimate Dialogue with God: The Miraculous Power of Unconditional Self-Love best explain the source and intention of the messages on this site. In this passage, God’s words are indented in blue font:

Who is speaking to me?

I am the Voice of the Oneness you call God.

Is the Voice of God separate from God?

The Voice of the Oneness of God is not separate from God….

I feel blessed, and I am grateful that I hear you. Why do you use the word, “we” to refer to yourself?

God is one and many at the same time. We are fullness, yet always expanding.

I know the words you speak to me are true, but why me? What have I done to deserve this blessing?

You are being blessed because of your desire, not because of your doing. We heard your authentic and willing prayer on 9/11 that you uttered without ego: “Use me for the healing of the world.” We are using you because of the cry of your heart to be of service to those in pain. We always delight in receiving those who desire to be of service….
Noemi Grace, your light is bright. You will use it to help guide others to their own light, brilliance, and wisdom. Simply be the beautifully brilliant soul that you are and listen. Be willing to hear truth even if it seems to contradict what you learned in the past or what your mind thinks is true…..
Noemi, you are a voice, a listener and repeater of truth. Your soul has wandered from truth, as all have. Now you are being called to trust on a greater level, to open to new possibilities and new ways of being, to live in gratitude and service as a light in the world. We honor your prayer to be of service for the healing of the world.

How do I know when I am hearing the voice of God?

Jesus said that you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. If what you hear sets you free, it is truth. The one Divine Source is universal Truth. This Truth can be experienced in so many facets that it may appear to be many, disparate truths. Yet God is both one and many at the same time....
The world needs to hear that God is here, available, and ready to work wonders in the life of anyone who is willing to be of service. There is no need to struggle to make it happen. Trust us…
We love the open heart, innocence, and trust you bring to your time with us. Thank you for this. We are refreshed every day in our communication together. Many have been waiting for the message of love and choice we are gifting you. We are delighted you have chosen us.

I have chosen you? I thought you chose me, and I didn’t understand why you would choose me.

You chose us first with your prayer. Now we are graced together with you in this communication. An open heart is a gift beyond words. Live in your heart. Make this a goal every day. There is no need to strive for this; simply choose it.
We love you as a dear friend. Thank you for your willingness to be of service.

About Workshops

Live a Life of Lasting Happiness and Fulfillment

through Divine love as Self-Love

My new Self-Love Miracle Workshop deepens the experience of Divine love as Self-Love as presented in my book, An Intimate Dialogue with God: The Miraculous Power of Unconditional Self-Love. Participants in this unique experience will receive the following benefits:
  • Discovering the truth of who you are as your unique essence. Once you know your true essence, you can always use it to center yourself and return to your heart, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. When you embrace your essence, you will never doubt who you are, no matter what others tell you.
  • Learning to see yourself, your loved ones and acquaintances, and your circumstances through eyes of love. When this becomes a practice, your mind stops controlling you. Then you have the power to choose from self-love instead of from guilt or what you think others expect you to do.
  • Unshakable self-love, acceptance, and appreciation for yourself.
  • Discovering your biggest barriers to unconditional self-love and acceptance and learning how to dissolve those barriers and stop sabotaging yourself.
  • Practical steps you can take every day to deepen your self-love and self-acceptance and step into self-abundance.
  • The Divine love as self-love meditation, which you can use daily to: bask in Divine love, fill yourself with Divine love, and share Divine love with the world.
  • Bonus: If you are one of the first 12 enrollees, you will receive an individualized message channeled by Noemi Grace from the Divine answering your deepest question about self-love, self-acceptance, and forgiveness. A $250 value for free!

