My Unexpected Life Change

Life Change

I am honored to be a contributing author to 365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments that Changed Everything. Today, I’d like to share with you my piece from the book which describes a couple of events in my life that resulted in a completely unexpected and profoundly transformative life change.

On September 11, 2001, I was stuck in a train station near Boston after the terrorist attack. The fear within me and around me was palpable. It was then that I uttered a pivotal prayer from deep within my heart.

         Because I had grown up in a family that prayed daily, I had a fundamental understanding of prayer. But at the time, I felt spiritually adrift; the days blended together without purpose.

“Use me for the healing of the world.”

         Yet on that day, I knew I had to pray, even if my prayer was never answered. It was then that I spoke words I had never said before: “Use me for the healing of the world.” I really meant those words and felt compelled to speak them for hours to keep the fear at bay.

         I never told anyone about this experience and rarely considered it. But I occasionally wondered if my prayer would be answered and why I chose to meet fear with hope and willingness on that day.

“Love is the fabric of freedom. Forgiveness paves the way to freedom.”       

Over a decade passed. Then, on March 3, 2012, I heard these marvelous words: “Love is the fabric of freedom. Forgiveness paves the way to freedom.” Those words stopped me in my tracks! As someone who had secretly harbored judgment and guilt, I knew that those words were not mine. Yet I heard them as deeply and felt them as strongly as I had felt fear on 9/11.

         Since that first message, I have become a channel for spiritual wisdom, and I have received hundreds of messages as powerful as that first one, which shook me to my core. I have also learned that these messages are the answer to the prayer I uttered in desperation on 9/11.

They even opened the door for me to become a spiritual channel.

         On that day, I had no idea of the power of the words I prayed. But they helped me rise above the collective fear around me and embrace hope. They even opened the door for me to become a spiritual channel. Now the words I receive every day are blessing me and those around me.

Now the words I receive every day are blessing me and those around me.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my life change. To find out more about this brand new book which contains many other inspiring stories, please visit