Choose Love

I am learning that every day offers us the opportunity to change how we see and choose everything. I am remembering more and more to use the operative questions I shared in my last blog post. In doing so, I’m realizing how much I have stressed about things that are unimportant and that I can’t control. I’m also noticing how much my perception of everything has been clouded by judgment.

In seeing from love, I can see others’ vulnerabilities and my own and have compassion for them and myself. In choosing from love, I find myself letting go more and judging myself and others less. I am also complaining a lot less at home, which certainly makes my husband’s life easier!

I am truly grateful that I am learning to apply these simple yet profound tools. Learning to see and choose from love is one of the most transformative decisions we can make. Here’s what the Divine has to say:

See your struggles through eyes of love and your challenges as opportunities for more love. Make this your ultimate goal for now: to love what is.

Remember this always: Love is the fabric of freedom; forgiveness paves the way to freedom. Forgive yourself of everything you think you’ve done wrong and let it go. See through eyes of love and there is nothing to forgive.

Open wide and feel deep compassion for yourself. There is nothing wrong, bad or inferior about you, and nothing is broken or needs fixing. You will see your own perfection when you look at yourself through eyes of love.

Every moment you have the opportunity to choose love. Every pain, whether physical or emotional, is a reminder to choose love. Let Divine love flow into you, through you, and out of you. This one choice makes all the difference on your path. Choose from love. Does that simplify your life?

What do you choose when you see yourself, your life, relationships, health, and finances from love? Everything appears different when seen from love. When you choose from the perspective of love, you enjoy life more, connect more with people who love you and care more, love more, and live more.

Develop this habit: when you have a decision to make, ask yourself, “What does love choose here?” Choose love; this is where miracles happen. Allow love to transform the landscape of your life from barren to fertile, struggle to bliss, and lack to overflowing. This is all possible with love.

Where in your life could you benefit from seeing and choosing from love?

Noemi Grace