God’s Promise

God's Promise


Love is the fabric of freedom.
Forgiveness paves the way to freedom.
You will know when you are free
when there is nothing left to forgive
because you see through the eyes of love.

The Voice of the Oneness of God
March 3, 2012

This was the first message I received from God about Divine love as self-love. Those words stopped me in my tracks as they reverberated through the room during my workout. All I could think of was how amazing that message was, as I quickly stopped to record what would become life-changing words.

I knew these words were not mine. At the time, I considered myself to be spiritual, but I had judgment about everyone, especially myself. I also viewed myself as forgiving. But when I forgave, it took a long time for me to let go. In my experience, forgiveness rarely led to freedom. And seeing through eyes of love was a tall order.

It has taken a lot more Divine messages for me to begin to understand these words. Many times the messages affirmed things I knew in my heart. Other times they defied what my mind believed and thought it knew, but I was willing to embrace them. But I must admit that at times, I resisted what I heard and it’s only through God’s grace that I was able to open myself up even when I didn’t believe what I was hearing.

As you will read in subsequent posts,

God is inviting us to take a journey that starts with learning to love ourselves with Divine, unconditional love.

God’s Promise:

God describes this as the direct path to happiness and even guarantees it:

This is our promise to you: if you fall deeply and unconditionally in love with yourself, if you see the truth of who you are and live that truth, you will find deep happiness you cannot imagine now. This is possible for every one of you.

Falling in love with ourselves leads to deep happiness.

I never could have imagined this. But I am experiencing this more and more and I invite you to join the Divine and me on this life-changing journey.

Noemi Grace