

Thank you for visiting my blog. Your visit here is an opportunity for you to hear God speaking to you through messages that God has gifted to me. You see God does speak to you, and to all of us. Yet we often don’t hear. Sometimes, it’s because our hearts are not open. But even when we are open and willing, we may not hear because we are unaccustomed to listening without judgment.

The posts in this blog will help you learn to release judgment and embrace love, most of all for yourself. In fact, you will read that it is vitally important to God that we learn to love ourselves unconditionally. Divine love experienced as self-love has the power to transform us from non-loving and judging to unconditionally loving and accepting of ourselves and others. In fact, God discloses that unconditional self-love and acceptance are prerequisites for lasting happiness.

I invite you to join me as I share excerpts from my upcoming books.

Here you may read words that are new to you. At times, you may find that your heart knows these words are true, while your mind tries to convince you otherwise. Then you can either open to hearing something new or choose to continue to see as you learned in the past.

The choice is yours. It takes courage to hear beyond the boundaries of your past and see beyond your comfort zone.
If you are willing, you can develop a deeper listening and receive gifts in these Divine words.

Read on to learn about a new way to love yourself – with Divine love as self-love.

In the process, you just might fall in love with yourself! As you read, I invite you to open your heart to receive God’s unconditional love, wisdom and grace, because they are here for you now.

Noemi Grace